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A Fresh Start: Gegan Rebranding Journey – and Vision for a Greener Future

1 min read

gegan logo

As you may have noticed, we’ve recently undergone a transformative rebranding. The question on everyone’s lips is, why? (OK, maybe not everyone, but our family and friends are very interested.) Simply put, we’re embracing a fresh start, one that reinforces our core values while reimagining our mission in an ever-evolving market. 

It’s so… green! 

Our new look represents our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the environment. The shade of green chosen for our branding is not merely aesthetic, but purposeful. This green stands for recycling and nature; it’s our point of difference. Notably, it signifies that up to 80% of the materials used to produce our bins can be recycled. It’s a shade that is subtly duller and darker, blending with the natural world we’re striving to protect. 

The topic of colour brings us to other businesses in the industry who are known known for their brightly coloured bins made of virgin plastic. While we acknowledge the durability and practicality that virgin plastic offers, our focus is on championing recycled materials, keeping in line with our circular economy vision. Speaking of the circular economy, let’s address the arrow on the ‘G’ in our logo.

Yeah, what’s with the arrow? 

The arrow symbolises our ambition to keep things local – reduce miles, use waste as a commodity, and work towards our ultimate vision of zero waste to landfill. We believe that waste can, and should, be transformed into a resource. 

With our rebrand, we’re also expanding into different markets across the UK. From total waste management services, to fitting a wheelie bin for a chip shop, to serving large PLC companies, we’re there. Our focus extends across a variety of sectors including hospitality, textiles, construction, and facilities management. Whether it’s hotel chains or holiday parks, our new face will serve as a beacon for eco-conscious waste management solutions. 

Our mission extends beyond providing recycling bins. We see ourselves as partners to businesses, supporting them in reducing their environmental impact. We’ve set our sights on becoming the go-to waste management solution for diverse sectors, large and small, across the UK. We see every industry as an opportunity to advance the green revolution, each in their unique way. 

Our rebranding is more than just a facelift; it’s a renewed pledge to our commitment to the environment and the communities we serve. It’s the first step in a journey towards a more sustainable future, and we’re excited to have you join us on this path. Here’s to a fresh start, and a greener tomorrow. 

The team at Gegan take great pride in offering a complete, all in one waste solution which is tailored to each customer’s individual needs. If you want to work with us and join us on our mission, get in touch today. 

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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